October 2019 Energy Independent Vermont Update

The world needs to price carbon pollution. The country needs to price carbon pollution. Vermont needs to price…Read More
Youth demand for climate action grows louder

On May 1, 2019 students from across Vermont marched to the State House lawn to call on their…Read More
Economy, Equity, Environment,

Listen to Rep. Diana González speak about why her plan to address our dependence on fossil fuels is…Read More
H.477: The Vermont Equity & Infrastructure Act

H.477: the Vermont Equity & Infrastructure Act is the most ambitious climate legislation introduced in 2019. Listen to…Read More
Vermont CEOs call for carbon pricing

Business leaders from some of Vermont’s most iconic companies on Wednesday called on the Governor and the Legislature…Read More
New study provides road map for strengthening the Vermont economy, addressing income inequality and protecting the environment

The highly-respected and nonpartisan Vermont Legislative Joint Fiscal Office released a strategic road map for actions Vermont policy…Read More