Vermont CEOs call for carbon pricing

Bram Kleppner of Danforth Pewter, Ted Castle of Rhino Foods, Representative Sarah Copeland-Hanzas (D-Bradford), Jen Kimmich of The Alchemist, Mark Curran of Black River Produce, Joey Bergstein of Seventh Generation, and Matthew McCarthy, of Ben & Jerry’s.

Business leaders from some of Vermont’s most iconic companies on Wednesday called on the Governor and the Legislature to pass a comprehensive climate action package this session that moves the state off of fossil fuels and to local, renewable energy. The CEOs and company founders from Black River Produce, Danforth…

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New study provides road map for strengthening the Vermont economy, addressing income inequality and protecting the environment

Daniel Barlow of Vermont Businesses of Social Responsibility, standing with representatives of a broad cross section of 25 organizations releasing a shared climate action platform for the 2019 legislative session.

The highly-respected and nonpartisan Vermont Legislative Joint Fiscal Office released a strategic road map for actions Vermont policy makers can take to strengthen the local economy, create jobs, lower the cost of living, reduce income inequality, improve public health and limit the pollution causing global warming. The Decarbonization Study was…

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Strong Showing for Pollution Pricing in St. Albans

The third Vermont Climate Action Commission public hearing took place Thursday night in St. Albans City Hall Auditorium. Vermonters from Franklin, Chittenden and Grand Isle counties came to voice their concerns and make policy recommendations before a panel of 10 of the 21 appointed commissioners. Their task is significant: take…

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